I swim. I bike. I run...usually covered in boogers and crayon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 Miles: Run, Done, No Fun

Yesterday I ran 20 miles. It had to of been the windiest windy day that ever winded. I ran from our apartment up the Mt. Vernon trail, across the Key bridge, and into Georgetown. My turnaround point was the intersection of M St. and Wisconsin Ave. I almost blew off of the bridge! Not really, there are high metal bars to prevent that but thankfully they were there! When I was a mile from home, I saw a street light that had crashed to the ground (and created a massive traffic jam). I also saw a metal newspaper box that had blown over. Crazy!
I left at 7:30am and didn't get home until 11:15. The ten miles out weren't bad. The wind gusts came every few minutes but it was bearable. When I turned around to run the second half, the wind just wouldn't quit. It slowed me down considerably. I was almost home when I saw my husband drive by. My mother in law and some family friends are visiting us from Texas right now so they told me when I got home that he went to look for me to see if I wanted a ride home since it was so blustery. I called him and told him he didn't do a very good job of finding me if he drove right past :) But fortunately I made it home (in almost 4 hours!) The one good thing about yesterday's run is that it wasn't cold. Windy yes; cold, no.
At least I only have to run 5 miles today! Only...

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