I swim. I bike. I run...usually covered in boogers and crayon.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


What a glorious day today is! The weather is perfect (for March) and we have gotten so much accomplished. We visited a new church this morning, well, new to us. We have been slacking on finding one. We were pretty spoiled with our last church and I feel like nothing can compare but I did some research and found one just as contemporary, young, and energetic as our last. I mean, how awesome is it that the nursery is just outside the sanctuary and one way mirrored windows let you look in on them but the babies can't see you. I know those aren't the important things but you can't help if you walk in and feel completely at home (I mean, that has to be good, right?) The high schoolers run the worship every fifth Sunday and today was one of those Sundays. There were probably fifteen teenagers playing instruments and singing (and they were really good!)
Anyhow, we ran 3 miles as a family this afternoon. We ran halfway across the Woodrow Wilson bridge and back. Despite the brevity, it was a very hilly 1.5 miles but The Husband is running in the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler on April third (he was one of the "lucky" lottery winners) and he has seemed to conveniently forget about it until recently so it's time to get him in shape!
Now pulled chicken bbq is cooking in the crockpot for dinner. We try to cook a lot of something on Sunday and eat it throughout the week so that's the selection for the next few days but from the smell of things, I don't mind.
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!!

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