There are 17 days left until the marathon and it's time to taper! What's tapering, you ask? It's when you decrease, or taper off, your workouts in order to be as rested and recovered from training as you can be in order to perform optimally during the race. Since I've been averaging around 40-50 miles a week, this week I will run around 30 and next week I will only run around 15.
I ran 5 miles tonight outside and when I was a mile from home, I realized I was following a guy in front of me. I followed him all the way into our elevator. It turns out he's running the same marathon. (So this thing really is happening. Hmm.) So I'm NOT the only one who's been running in the dark all of these months. I guess I will have some stiff competition!
You are going to great, I'm sure!! I really wish I had the motivation to do this ... but I just ... don't. :-(