I swim. I bike. I run...usually covered in boogers and crayon.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Weather

I was all set to go running outside this evening! I was even looking forward to the possibility of running during the snow event. (For those who don't know, a snow event is DC slang for not enough to cancel anything but just enough to F things up.) I packed my camera thinking I could get a rosy picture of King St. with the lights strung on all of the trees amongst the backdrop of snow. But no. I got about a hundred feet before the sting of freezing rain forced me to retreat. I might be tough but I am not THAT tough! So I changed clothes and trudged across the parking lot to the gym and slaved away for four miles on the dreadmill. Oh well! I guess it beats not running at all.


  1. Wow, you're so motivated. I would have look at that as a sign to stay in and cuddle up with B.

  2. What keeps me going is the thought of choking at mile 20 on March 26th. Also, cuddling with B is a reward for being done :)

  3. Oh noooo, not the dreadmill! Haha, nice play on words there, I haven't seen that done before.
